CALL TO ORDER:  Mayor Jesse Dwyer called to order the Village Board Meeting at 7:30pm on September 19, 2022, for the Village of Greenwood Lake located at 18 Church Street in Greenwood Lake, NY, and opened with the Pledge of Allegiance.


The following persons were present:

  • Mayor Jesse Dwyer
  • Deputy Mayor Kelli Kelm
  • Trustee Thomas Howley
  • Trustee Chad Sellier
  • Trustee Nancy Clifford
  • Village Attorney John Buckheit



  • Letter from Shannon Rhehe—Beach Yoga
  • Letter from Department of Transportation – repairs along multiple state roads in Western Orange County to make ADA compliant
  • Letter from Town of Warwick – budget requests


VISITING OFFICIALS’ REPORTS:  Warwick Town Councilman Floyd DeAngelo had nothing to report.



DPW Deputy Commissioner, Bill Roe, reported that a company will be coming in to do work on the softball field; sand will be injected into the field to aid drainage.  This will be done before winter.  DPW has also been working with Phil Landru, our water operator, on the bathrooms to rectify the low water pressure problems.


Trustee Clifford reported that she attended the most recent school board meeting; work on the cafeteria is almost complete.  The district is looking in to purchasing and installing metal detectors at both schools.  The Greenwood Lake Chamber of Commerce will be hosting Small Business Saturday on the Saturday after Thanksgiving, November 27, 2022.  They are also planning a mixer to be held some time in December at Emerald Point.

Trustee Howley reported that beach season is officially over and went smoothly other than a few lifeguard issues at the end of the season due to college students returning to school.  Mayor Dwyer thanked Trustee Howley for all of his hard work at the beach this year.

Trustee Kelm reported that the Greenwood Lake Public Library is entering the final phase of their replacement HVAC system.  So far, they have received over $600,000 in funding form the Library Construction Aid Program. A new dedicated outside air system (filtration) has been installed and will be completed by next year. The library has also received a $15,000 grant to expand youth programming from Senator Skoufis’ office.  Part of the grant monies will be used for an outdoor reading garden for families. Registration is open and programming has started. Programs include: Defensive Driving (info on library website), “Lead like a Pro” hosted by Matthew Raidbird, Chair Yoga.  The library has hired a new Youth Services Supervisor, Amber Kirkwood.  Everything seems to be going well at the Senior Center.

Trustee Sellier reported that the Building Department received $4,103 in the month of August 2022, including $1,950 in abstract fees, $800 in building permit application fees, and $750 in short term rental inspection/registration fees.  The Zoning Board met in the month of September to discuss one applicant seeking a variance to extend the length of his deck to his pool which was granted by the board.

Attorney Buckheit, confidential written report submitted.  There is a court conference on October 6, 2022, for the Klastow matter.

Clerk Holder stated that water bills will be mailed by the end of the week, and that taxes must be paid by October1, 2022, in order to avoid additional penalties, and taxes not paid by November 1, 2022, will be re-levied onto Town and County tax bills.  Additionally, letters to all residents went out last week concerning water testing results.  Clerk Holder also reported that the NYCOM conference was informative and very helpful.


TTHM/Water Status – started using a new lab.  We are already seeing a much lower numbers. Phil is working diligently and being a chemist as each well etc. produces different water.

Centennial Planning Committee – first meeting scheduled for October 26th at 5:30 pm. Mary Calura who was part of the Warwick Centennial committee has agreed to help with the Village of Greenwood Lake’s centennial.


Lakeland Paving – Complete. The DPW will be going back to finish putting in berms and swales.

17A Project – started on 9/19/2022.  Delays due to an abandoned gas line.  Ben Astorina was able to get O&R in to test the line so that project could continue.


NEW BUSINESS            


DEC MS4 – Due in June.  Requirements include storm water management; street sweeping and drain cleaning.


NYS Law- Forbidding smoking in New York State Parks.  They are offering free signage. Will look to put signs in Village Parks.


Line Striping – Will start on 9/20.  Will be adding stop bars and re-lining crosswalks. Will be lining East shore road, Windermere to beach.

Speed Bumps – the only two that are authorized by the Village of Greenwood Lake are the ones in Crystal Court and in Greenwood Park.

Independent Lake Water Analysis Delaware Engineering is going to sample and test sediment to see if any of the herbicides are still in the sediment. Looking at lake as a possible option for source of water.  Well water is very hard to treat.

Televised Meetings the person used to upload our meetings passed away.  Looking at improved technology and will look to go back to televised meetings in the upcoming months.


PRIVILEGE OF THE FLOOR: No public comment


Motion made by Trustee Kelm and seconded by Trustee Sellier. 5 Ayes- Mayor Dwyer, Trustee Kelm, Trustee Howley, Trustee Sellier, and Trustee Clifford.



Motion to approve minutes from the August 29, 2022, Board Meeting made by Trustee Sellier and seconded by Trustee Howley. 4 Ayes- Trustee Kelm, Trustee Howley, Trustee Sellier, and Trustee Clifford.



Resolution No. 16 of 2022/2023–Adopting Retention and Disposition Schedule for New York Local Government Records (LGS-1), issued pursuant to Article 57-A of the Arts and Cultural Affairs Law, and containing legal minimum retention periods for local government records for use by all officers in legally disposing of valueless records listed therein and in accordance with Article 57-A:(a) only those records will be disposed of that are described in Retention and Disposition Schedule for New York Local Government Records (LGS-1), after they have met the minimum retention periods described therein;(b) only those records will be disposed of that do not have sufficient administrative, fiscal, legal, or historical value to merit retention beyond established legal minimum periods motioned by Trustee Howley and seconded by Trustee Kelm. 4 Ayes- Trustee Kelm, Trustee Howley, Trustee Sellier, and Trustee Clifford.

Resolution No. 17 of 2022/2023–Authorizes the one-time charge of $210.00 for water usage for account 306321 on property 306-3-21, waiving all other penalties and late fees motioned by Trustee Howley and seconded by Trustee Clifford. 4 Ayes – Trustee Kelm, Trustee Howley, Trustee Sellier, and Trustee Clifford.




The next meeting will be on October17, 2022; 6:30 pm workshop followed by a 7:30pm Board Meeting.



Motion to close the meeting at 7:47 p.m. presented by Trustee Sellier and seconded by Trustee Kelm. 4 Ayes- Trustee Kelm, Trustee Howley, Trustee Sellier, and Trustee Clifford.

Minutes respectfully submitted by

Katheleen Holder

Village Clerk/Treasurer